17 states were devastated by Hurricane Sandy earlier this week. At least 60 have died, thousands of homes have been destroyed, and millions a are without power. Emergency services personnel and disaster response teams, utility workers, national guard, and many other from all over the country have responded to the area to help those in need.
Many of the disaster workers are doing this as part of their job. Thousands of them however are volunteers. The Southern Baptist Convention – Disaster Relief team which is comprised almost entirely by volunteers, just committed to serving 400,000 hot meals per day to area victims.
This outpouring of help is much needed and a blessing to all of those who were effected by the wrath of this record breaking super storm, but it is still going to take many months to restore the area. These organizations also need out help! Below are some ways we all can help out:
A) Above all else, pray! Pray daily for the people who lost loved ones, houses, and possessions. Pray for the workers that are in the damaged areas working tirelessly to help strangers. Pray for their safety and for God to give them a Renewed Strength each day to continue their mission. Pray that those that are effected will look to the Lord for guidance and peace during all of this.
B) Go help. There are many organizations on the ground helping the states recover. Some require specific training or experience, some do not. Baptist on Mission is a large Baptist Disaster Relief organizations based out of North Carolina. They are working hard and needing more volunteers. You can also check with the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and other organizations. Even if all you can do is hand out water bottles and give a shoulder to cry on, this is much needed!
C) Donate to the relief missions. There are many organizations accepting donations of money or goods to help in the relief efforts. The North American Mission Board has a fund established for those that are willing to give. (Be careful and research any organization soliciting donations. Many of them are good, however scams surface every time there is a disaster)
We all must band together as Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ and be willing to Serve Others. Be in prayer daily, help and give as you are able and feel led.